It is just mind blowing to think of what veterans have done for the rest of us so we can be free and have a democracy.
Fire Wife
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Remembrance Day, November 11, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Savoring Your Abundant Life
My husband paid the most beautiful tribute to me on my 54th birthday - acknowledging how it's not always been easy being married to a firefighter but how much he loves and appreciates all that I do for him and our family - how much he loves me. Today I walked past our rose bushes and stopped. Their beauty was truly beyond measure and their fragrance completely intoxicating. As I took a deeper look into the beauty of the roses, I recounted the day we planted those bushes. Much like a life. We plant a house, we plant a family, we plant hope for our marriage and we plant a vision for our life together. Today those roses made me stop and admire my life, my family and my marriage. These were our roses. We intentionally planted them. Roses are like life - beautiful and thorny! To get those beautiful roses to bloom, you've got to cut back and cut off what no longer grows, what no longer brings life. And then you wait, after pruning, for the blooms. Ah, you think, I'm glad we worked through that and got through that. Look what we have now! Life is a rose, is a rose is a rose! So are our relationships. We've been married nearly 27 years and we are in love. It takes work getting there and those thorns can really tear you apart, but the roses will come and they are splendid. XOXO
Friday, January 15, 2021
Happy New Year!!!
Hey, Happy New Year!! It's January 15th! You may have made resolutions and you may not have.
Friday, October 30, 2020
There Is So Much In The Air
Well if 2020 wasn't already a challenge and to many a blindside, there is also an American election on Tuesday and I'm worried. I'm worried for all of the obvious reasons but mostly for the unrest this will all cause. I've already decided NOT to watch any of it on TV. In 2016 I woke up with one of the sickest feelings I'd ever experienced. I woke up sick that morning in November 2016 because of the massive division, violence and unrest. It has only grown. Everyone came together so humanitarianly after 9-11. We helped, held and looked after each other, but look what has transpired. Who would ever guess that the great super power country would be on the brink of civil war. Who would have ever guessed that the ugly spread of misinformation and that the assault of truth would be at the forefront. I will stay low and be in prayer this weekend. Yes, I live in Canada, but the sepsis is seeping over our boarder. Evil unleashed. Maybe it will work out. Maybe one day there will be some normalcy again. Maybe one day there will be diplomacy and integrity and empathy again. The fish rots from the head down. Where this will go nobody knows. It could be the very end or it could be a pleasant blindside. It's in God's hands.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
I love being a Fire Wife!
This past year my firefighter and I celebrated 26 years of marriage. I am so proud of the life that we've built together. I'm even more proud that we are in the stage of what I call in my book, Fire Wife, "The Juicy Peach" stage.
I call it the juicy peach stage because the actual peach tree is a very sensitive one and takes real tend, trial and error. More often than not it takes YEARS before those juicy peaches start to even show up on those branches. Doesn't that sound like a marriage to you?
While some couples may have had a smoother relationship together, I do know for certain that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. All relationships go through rough patches and growing pains and I am so glad that my hubby and I grew and got through.
While the EBOOK of Fire Wife is out, I won't actually really launch it until the paperback is out. There have been significant setbacks that have been totally out of my hands that have caused it's delay, but hopefully not to much longer. I cannot wait for you to hold it in your hands and read it! In some ways it's a love letter to you. It's also a guide for what you can expect to get through and some suggestions, suggestions wrapped in experience, for how to successfully journey through those unique challenges.
Once upon a time I did not for a second believe that my husband and I were going to make it. This fire life can be stifling when you are a freedom lover. You can't be as spontaneous because of shift work and you certainly cannot phone up the chief or the captain when YOU have a problem. There is procedure and there are processes that must be adhered to and that can be hard.
There may have been a messy middle in our marriage as we navigated his new career, but I held onto my dreams too and I think having a solid self and a solid life apart from the department is pivotal to your own happiness. They say that the fairy tale of a marriage is at the beginning of it but I beg to differ. The true joy for me with my firefighter is now, when after being married for a long time and knowing how much you've loved each other through thick and thin, you get to this sweet spot...this beautiful place of acceptance and appreciation - you don't try to change each other, you in fact love him just as he is and he you. The Juicy Peach Stage. You'll find out the other stages of a fire marriage when you read Fire Wife.
But in the meantime, enjoy some of my blog posts. You can also visit my website for more reading and don't forget to give me your email on the website so I can email you my newsletter. I look forward to being a mentor to you if you need and I cannot wait to meet so many of you when this pandemic is over. Talk soon. XOXO
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
When Your Son Says, "I want to be a firefighter."
On hot days I imagine my son in heavy turnout gear, sweating not only under a hot sun, but over hot pavement and hot twisted cars. I imagine my son walking up dozens of flights of stairs in smoky hallways carrying 40 lbs. of equipment.
My uncle was a firefighter. My husband is a firefighter. But my son?
Having a firefighter for partner is not easy. In fact, it is usually not the life you signed up for: "Do you promise to be lonely, deal with moods, or PTSD? You learn however to either sink or swim. You learn to see the positive (they are an amazing group of people) you learn to live the positive (more good days than bad days) and you learn to focus on the positive (we are a lucky family with wonderful firefighter friends and support). If you don't, yes, you will sink. My son believes he has the tools to work through those bad days because he was raised by me. (God I love that boy).