Friday, October 30, 2020

There Is So Much In The Air

Well if 2020 wasn't already a challenge and to many a blindside, there is also an American election on Tuesday and I'm worried.  I'm worried for all of the obvious reasons but mostly for the unrest this will all cause.  I've already decided NOT to watch any of it on TV.  In 2016 I woke up with one of the sickest feelings I'd ever experienced.  I woke up sick that morning in November 2016 because of the massive division, violence and unrest.  It has only grown. Everyone came together so humanitarianly after 9-11.  We helped, held and looked after each other, but look what has transpired.  Who would ever guess that the great super power country would be on the brink of civil war.  Who would have ever guessed that the ugly spread of misinformation and that the assault of truth would be at the forefront.  I will stay low and be in prayer this weekend.  Yes, I live in Canada, but the sepsis is seeping over our boarder.  Evil unleashed. Maybe it will work out.  Maybe one day there will be some normalcy again. Maybe one day there will be diplomacy and integrity and empathy again. The fish rots from the head down.  Where this will go nobody knows.  It could be the very end or it could be a pleasant blindside. It's in God's hands.  

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