Wednesday, April 29, 2020

In Times of Crisis - There is Also Opportunity

 We are in times of crisis and challenge but I want you to remember something. Crisis is also a good time for opportunity and if we choose, we can see this time as a gift, hidden or not so hidden and use this time to truly see with clarity that 2020 might just be what we all needed.
We are in a time of remembering both what is important to us and what truly matters when the cards are down. People have also suffered loss. But it is during times like these that I always become aware of just how many good people there are in the world, willing to help, support, care for and come together in unity. (Thank you a million times over to our health care workers, our first responders and to our front line workers that make sure we get fed, are still teaching our children and picking up our garbage.)
And though we are in unchartered times and we don't yet know how all of this will look when this all simmers down, in just 10 seconds, you can change your mind and your heart about how you plan to live today and more importantly, how you will plan to live going forward. Optimism is essential right now.
And by the way, optimism isn't a sugary sweet surface emotion or virtue that ignores what is currently going on in our world. Being optimistic is actually choosing to be realistic. Pessimism will focus on the least likely scenario and optimism focusses on the most likely scenario.
We are in a time of "re-ordered priorities." All those goals and dreams we were at times too busy to manifest, we now have the time. All those times you wished you could just stay home and write that book, well now is your time. All those days you wish you had more time with your family, well, you got it! We are cooking more, not spending as much moola, talking to friends and family remotely and having to be possibly more creative than we ever have before. And toilet paper? Did you ever think that toilet paper would be the hottest commodity in 2020? Did you think you'd ever wear a mask to go and buy groceries?
If you are feeling scared, or alone, and isolated this might be a good time to unearth what could be might be blocking you from your full blossom. Or to ultimately confront what you've been sweeping under the rug, to realize the patterns that have been holding you back. See if you can get assistance from a counsellor or life coach. If that is not possible, there are so many great professionals on YouTube who can certainly cheer you up and help you along. Use this time to practice extreme self-care.
Finally let me tell you what gives us all purpose and comfort as well as happiness during this time...helping others. Find out in your community what you can do. There are the elderly who could use a phone call, or how about new mothers who could use a chin wag over a cup of tea remotely of course. Our homeless also need sandwiches and supplies so give a call to a church in your area to see what you can drop off for their volunteers to distribute.
It's also a good time to focus on GRATITUDE. Science has proven that the practice of gratitude changes your brain chemistry and makes you feel better! It also helps you to see that there are smooth waters ahead.
It is because I know how powerful both Gratitude and Unity is that I've put together a little 30 day gratitude journal I'd love to email you. You can work on it knowing that there are other women from this page working on it right along side you!
Today I am sending you good vibes and lots of love. We will get through this and be better because of it. XOXO

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