Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lessons in Isolation

There is a lot to be concerned about right now - from world economics to more locally small businesses that are suffering as well as human beings, particularly women and children in domestic abuse situations and families who are not getting enough to eat. Yes, there is a lot to worry about.  However, for those of us whose family members are on the front lines, who are still receiving a pay cheque and have benefits if they fall ill, the question I asked myself this morning was, what can I do to help others right now. Whether it be someone who is isolating alone and could use a phone call, or the local food banks that need money and non-perishables, we can all, even if we can't get on the front lines to help, do something. Today I will call some friends who I know are alone. I will also send money to help with the food bank and then order some items from small businesses in my community to do my part in helping them to stay afloat. Times are tough but ask yourself today, what can I do, what is in my control to reach out and do something to help others today. As a fire family it's in our DNA to reach out. If we all do our part, we can help others get through these most challenging times. There is and always will be a gift in everything when we get through this. Let's remember the events of the past and become better for it. God speed my friends. Talk soon. XOXO

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