Saturday, October 21, 2017

Goal: To Inspire Lower Divorce Rates Amoungst Firefighter Marriages

There is a very large divorce rate amongst firefighter marriages.  Divorce amongst firefighters and their wives is even higher than the national average. Why?  Because it's really hard being married to a firefighter!  I began writing my book several years ago because there wasn't a whole lot on the book shelves at Chapters when I went on a desperate search to find out how to navigate this very unique marriage.  As my book unfolded I was able to find so many answers to my questions but nothing beats years of experience.  It is my purpose to write and to help  other FF wives who are as disillusioned as I used to be.  I love that I have come through some very rough patches with my husband to now have a really comfortable and solid happy marriage. What I had suffered at the beginning in my new role as a firefighter wife has meaning and is now a very large part of my life purpose.    What is so wonderful is that there can never be enough books on the topic of Firefighter marriage so if it has ever been in your heart to write a book or a blog, then you must and you have my support!  Your unique perspective will help many people.   As I get ready to go to a retirement and new recruit dinner tonight, I look forward to meeting our younger and newer firefighter wife sisters.  I want to be a mentor to them if they need me.  No wife should have to go through this alone.  One thing that I keep going back to that keeps me going, is that the divorce rate is just too high.  That means that there really isn't enough support and help to make deep and lasting changes to help these marriages.   I am happy to share with you my story and my lessons and am looking forward to hopefully inspiring you to a better marriage.

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