Monday, November 13, 2017

My Toughest Critics

Well, I handed off one chapter of my book to my husband last night to take to the fire hall.  The chapter I sent is called, Understanding Your Husband's Profession.  So far the reviews have been great though it still needs some editing.  I want to dispel any rumors out there that this is a book that is critical toward our men in blue.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I am really read for this book to be finished and distributed.  I'm experiencing a bit of burnout from reading the same words over and over for several years.  Of course there is always vulnerability when you are about to give birth to something you've dreamt up for so long and of course not everyone is gong to love it.  If I can however, help lots of firefighter wives navigate and keep their marriages together it will have all been worth it.  The one person it's helped the most has been me.  Writing a book while going through my own marital rough patches kept me focused on finding solutions.  I am forever grateful that my marriage has stood the test of time and am even happier now that I can share my wisdom with the next generation.

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